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The first ”Gago Conference” on European Science Policy took place at the i3s, Porto, Portugal, on February 14, under the auspices of the Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology, and Higher Education.
The Conference addressed ongoing efforts by the cancer community to build an ecosystem that combines innovative prevention and treatment strategies in a sustainable state-of-the-art virtual European cancer centre/infrastructure with the critical mass of expertise, patients, data, and resources needed to fight cancer in partnership and create societal and economic added value across Europe.
Gaps/barriers in the cancer research continuum, both for therapy and prevention, were highlighted in the opening keynote lecture, followed by presentations and round table discussions - involving critical stakeholders - on Comprehensive Cancer Centres (entities that link reserach with the healthcare systems), a mission-oriented approach to cancer in Europe, as well as the impact of research on society. Closing the Conference, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas, confirmed his strong support for a mission-oriented approach to cancer in FP9.
”The conference provides an international forum to strengthen the debate on emerging issues of research and innovation policy in Europe, as well as to promote the necessary involvement of major stakeholders in policy making and the diffusion of knowledge in science education and culture. The Conferences also seek to strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation networking in Europe towards a positive impact on a global scale”.
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